Saturday, 14 November 2015


A young man who just finished his post graduate studies in Canada asked me a very interesting question. He wanted to know between Saudi Arabia and America where would i choose for my daughter to live in. I sensed he was trying to mock me and my religion seeing that i was the only
Muslim among the group members. and suddenly everybody seemed to be interested in what i     would say.
I told him i would prefer Saudi Arabia than America. they all laughed, probably, at my 'foolishness'. He was obviously determined to open my eyes and save me from what he would call my old fashioned and outdated ideas. so he lectured: "you see Mr. Abdullahi, if you take your daughter to Saudi Arabia, they would deny her all her rights and freedom. they would force her to cover all her body and other restrictions. but in America, she would have all the freedom and opportunities to achieve her full potentials". I told him I know that, full well. i then asked him do you know why a Muslim woman wears hijab? he said no.
I asked him 'do you know the story of Mary: the mother of Jesus Christ?' He said yes. i said if you
really do, you would then know that she was such a decent and pious woman of high moral standing who did not mix freely with men. That she protected her honour and seriously guarded her
virginity. in fact, she was the epitome of morality and womanhood. He said that is true. I asked him to explain to me how Mary is depicted or drawn in the churches. He said all her body is covered except her face. I said I believe that is why good and devoted Christians like mother Theresa and the nuns dress like Mary. He said he believed so. I said good! Just like Mother Theresa and the good Christian nuns, the good Muslims also try to encourage their women to copy Mary, the mother of Jesus in the hope that they would also live a life of high moral standing and to also protect their virginity.
Everybody was silent. An elderly lady among us said "Mr. Abdullahi, can you believe that I have never looked at the issue of the Muslim women covering their body in this way? I think if everyone would talk against a Muslim woman covering her body, certainly, Christians should not".
A lady from Brazil, Mariana, said "well I'm lucky I don't believe in God. So I have my life to live without any restrictions". I told her that I did not think that was a good idea. She asked me why? I explained to her that its better to believe in God now and when you die, you find out that there is no any God than not to believe in God here and when you die you find the God there waiting for you. She laughed and said "yeah, I would really be in trouble then." We all laughed. She asked "OK, which religion would you
recommend for me and you must give me a strong reason". I said i would recommend Islam for you.
They all laughed and said "of course that's obvious. it is your religion". I told them No, it's just that I believe a Muslim is at a more advantaged position as far as the issue of life after death is concern.
I explained to them that "you see there are 3 great people who all claimed to have come from God with their respective religions: Moses(Judaism), Jesus (Christianity) and Muhammad (Islam). Jews believe in Moses only. Christians believed in Moses and Jesus only. But Muslims believed in all of them Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. So whatever happens in the hereafter, a Muslim will either win or have a consolation from whoever wins between Moses and Jesus since he believe in all of them"
Unlike others!..

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